Tuesday 2 February 2010

Evening of prayer

Hej Guys,
Today we have our first evening of prayer at credo. It is the first of the year. So it is a new opportunity to present to our lord our plans for this year and also ask for his protection.

Place: Högskolan Dalarna University
Time: at 6 O'clock
Meeting place: the main entrance. Close to the library

God is love

Tuesday 1 September 2009


We've decided to delay the first meeting with one week, meaning that it will be on Tuesday 8 September. This also means that the first prayer lunch meeting will be on Wednesday 9 September. You can check this blog some day before to know which rooms at Högskolan we will be meeting in. Finally, this semester's Credo meetings will begin! =)

Monday 24 August 2009

First autumn meetings

Now it's time for the first autumn meetings!

The first Tuesday Evening Meeting will be on 1 September at 7pm at Högskolan at Lugnet. The exact room is not decided yet, but just be there in time and someone will be at the entrance to guide you to the right place! We will also announce the room by email to those who are on our email list.

New for this semester is also our Wednesday Lunch Prayer Meetings - every wednesday at Högskolan at Lugnet between 12:10 and 12:30! For exact location, stay tuned!

Saturday 2 May 2009

GYA Bible study x3

Now we will have Glad you asked Bible studies with Jim for three weeks in a row! =)

The topics will all be based on questions Jesus asked:
Tuesday 5 May: "Why do you call me good?"
Tuesday 12 May: "Why have you abandoned me?"
Tuesday 19 May: "Why are you crying?"

Time: 6pm to 8pm every time.
Place: at Högskolan, either in Skrivsal 1 or in one of the other lecture rooms with entrance from the big hall - if you didn't get to know through an email, just go and look where the others are

Monday 13 April 2009

Worship and prayer

Tuesday 14 April we will sing worship and pray together at Cilla's appartment!
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Place: Trotzgatan 2 in the town centre near the Tourist Information

Bring all your thanks, worries and needs and we will lift them to our Lord together!

Tuesday 24 March 2009

Can you trust the Bible?

This Tuesday's Glad you asked Bible study will be about the Bible itself! =) Don't miss the opportunity to ask all your questions about this special book!

Time: 6pm-8pm
Place: Skrivsal 1, högskolan in Falun
Topic: Can you trust the Bible?

Monday 16 March 2009

Movietime: Evan the Allmighty

We were supposed to go snowsledging, but due to a suspected serious absence of those who have snowsledges we will instead watch a movie at Britsen together, and afterwards discuss what the movie can teach us.

Time: Tuesday 17 March, 6pm-8pm
Place: Kitchen B up at Britsen (Alain's kitchen)
Film: Evan the Allmighty